5 Reasons to update your Labour Policy

Here are 5 reasons why you should update your Labour Policy

1. The ever-changing labour laws of South Africa make it essential for employers to stay up to date in order to remain compliant. Therefore, employers should regularly review and update their policies and procedures to ensure they are in compliance with the most recent labour laws.

2. Non-compliance with our country’s labour law, and policies not up to date, holds a serious business risk for employers that is often underestimated and left unaddressed. Arbitration awards against employers have a definite financial impact and also negatively affect the business’s reputation. 

3. Up-to-date policies and procedures can also have the effect of reducing, and even eliminating claims against employers by employees. 

4. Labour laws exist to protect the rights and well-being of employees. By ensuring policies and procedures are up to date and compliant with these laws, employers ensure that employees are treated fairly and are provided with essential rights and benefits, and further demonstrate their commitment to creating a positive work environment, which in turn boosts employee morale and productivity.

5. Businesses that prioritize labour law compliance, and ensure their policies are up to date, are viewed as responsible and trustworthy entities. They are more likely to retain happy employees who remain committed to their jobs and perform at their best, as well as attract skilled candidates who seek job security and fair treatment. 

In need of sound advice? Get in touch with Duvenage Attorneys.